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Inclusion in the News

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Challenges for New College Graduates in the Job Market

Challenges for New College Graduates in the Job Market

A recent New York Times article by Peter Coy, Opinion Writer, highlights the difficulties many new college graduates face in securing employment, despite a low unemployment rate of 3.9 percent in April. Anecdotal evidence and a detailed report from Goldman Sachs...

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New Study Highlights Overwork Disadvantages for Women

New Study Highlights Overwork Disadvantages for Women

Americans are known for logging more hours at work than most other developed nations, often linked to higher raises and faster promotions. However, a recent study published in Social Psychology Quarterly reveals how this overwork culture significantly disadvantages...

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A Startling Statistic at UCLA

A Startling Statistic at UCLA

This fall 4,852 freshmen are expected to enroll at UCLA, but only 96, or 2%, are African American -- the lowest figure in decades and a growing concern at the Westwood campus. For several years, students, professors and administrators at UCLA have watched with...

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