Rock The Street, Wall Street

Empowering girls to navigate the world of finance

Rock The Street, Wall Street

Empowering girls to navigate the world of finance

Rock The Street, Wall Street

Empowering girls to navigate the world of finance

Rock The Street, Wall Street

Empowering girls to navigate the world of finance






We bring the M in STEM to high school girls, offering financial & investment mathematics that support an inspired path from high school and college to their first roles in the financial markets and economic activities. We deliver top tier educational experiences to break barriers and foster participation in the capital markets and financial workforce, dedicated to empowering young women with equal access.

Our Impact

70% Increase

On average, Rock The Street, Wall Street alumnae have shown a 70% increase in financial and investment literacy

5x the Rate

Alumnae are pursuing finance, economics & related degrees at 5x the rate of the average female university student

25+ Cities

Our in-school campus programs are impacting girls’ lives in more than 25 cities, spanning the US, UK, and Canada

7000 Female Students

7,000+ Young Women

With dedicated volunteers and sponsors, RTSWS has empowered more than 7,000 young women

The Problem

Research indicates that girls in the US, UK and Canada perform on par with boys in math during elementary and middle school, but their performance wanes significantly in high school/secondary school, and beyond, known as the “gender gap.” Contributing factors include societal biases, lack of female role models in math-related fields, and gender-based socialization. It’s important to recognize that this gap varies across regions and cultures.

However, solutions are evident. Research affirms that interventions boosting girls’ math and science interest yield positive results in narrowing the gender gap. Urgent action is essential. We all share responsibility in reshaping the trajectory for girls in math, spanning schools, companies, and homes.

RTSWS’ initiative revitalizes girls’ enthusiasm for math within a pivotal life phase, as they make vital choices. At this crossroads of financial independence, college decisions, and career paths, the time to make a difference is now.

Our Solution

Our instructors are 100% Female Financial Professionals

We narrow the gender and racial wage and wealth gaps and boost girls’ interest in their financial lives and finance careers by showcasing real-world female role models in money management. RTSWS sparks high school girls’ enthusiasm for finance, expanding their horizons beyond stereotypes. Over 6,000 girls have completed our program since 2012, reshaping the financial landscape.

Change who we invest in to change what we invest in.

The Problem

Research indicates that girls in the US, UK and Canada perform on par with boys in math during elementary and middle school, but their performance wanes significantly in high school/secondary school, and beyond, known as the “gender gap.” Contributing factors include societal biases, lack of female role models in math-related fields, and gender-based socialization. It’s important to recognize that this gap varies across regions and cultures.

However, solutions are evident. Research affirms that interventions boosting girls’ math and science interest yield positive results in narrowing the gender gap. Urgent action is essential. We all share responsibility in reshaping the trajectory for girls in math, spanning schools, companies, and homes.

RTSWS’ initiative revitalizes girls’ enthusiasm for math within a pivotal life phase, as they make vital choices. At this crossroads of financial independence, college decisions, and career paths, the time to make a difference is now.

Our Solution

Our instructors are 100% Female Financial Professionals

We narrow the gender and racial wage and wealth gaps and boost girls’ interest in their financial lives and finance careers by showcasing real-world female role models in money management. RTSWS sparks high school girls’ enthusiasm for finance, expanding their horizons beyond stereotypes. Over 6,000 girls have completed our program since 2012, reshaping the financial landscape.

Change who we invest in to change what we invest in.

Changing the Narrative

“I was eager to get involved with RTSWS after watching a presentation during my financial literacy class… Our class met with RTSWS volunteers, which allowed us to obtain new perspectives and get a better understanding of the various roles and responsibilities within the financial services field. Prior to my involvement with RTSWS, I never considered a field in STEM because I did not see many women in the field, nor did I see people that looked like me.

Kamri W., RTSWS Alumna
Academy of the Sacred Heart New Orleans | 2020 Grad | New Orleans, LA

“The most memorable thing that I learned from RTSWS is to be open to any direction or option as a career path. Before, I used to automatically write off finance because I believed that since I was not good at math I could not succeed. RTSWS taught me that there is so much more to a career than the initial assumptions we place on it and that really broadened my perspective.”

Angelina M., RTSWS Alumna
Panther Creek HS | 2020 Grad | Raleigh, NC

“I am a sophomore at NYU Stern School of Business and I’m majoring in business with a concentration in finance. I actually found two internships through RTSWS ACC. Last summer, I interned at BlackRock and this summer, I interned at Franklin Templeton. I loved both of those internships and getting to really understand the financial sector. From these internships, I found out that asset management is a field I am really interested in.”

Tiffany H., RTSWS Alumna
Stuyvesant HS | 2020 Grad | New York, NY

“During the RTSWS Program, I received great insights into some basic financial concepts that I still carry with me, and an amazing mentor who helped answer any questions I had about college and future careers in finance.”

Caroline M., RTSWS Alumna
Hume-Fogg HS | 2015 Grad | Nashville, TN



High School Offerings

Alumnae: College & Early Career Offerings

High School Offerings

Hands On Financial Projects

Building portfolios and mock businesses, students ignite entrepreneurial spirit and financial literacy.

RTSWS Wall Street Experience
Wall Street Experience

Our students experience the thrill of Wall Street, learning from industry pros and discovering diverse finance careers.

RTSWS Mentorship Pairings
Mentorship Pairings

Female industry professionals guide young girls through college prep, careers, and their future path.

Alumnae: College & Early Career Offerings

High School Girls at NYC Board Room Table
Alumnae & Career Center

Connecting finance-savvy RTSWS graduates with internships and entry-level positions.

Leadership Series for Early Onboarding
Industry Information Events

Get an edge on what the industry is looking for today.

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Have Questions?

Let’s spark a conversation. Whether you’re student, mentor or ally interested in helping to close the gender gap, we’re here to answer your questions. Reach out and start the journey with RTSWS today!

Help & Support the Cause

Make a difference. Every contribution, big or small, fuels our mission to empower girls and close the gender gap in finance. Join us in building a brighter future – your support directly translates to real impact for our RTSWS Students & Alumnae.