There Is No Limit

There Is No Limit

As we embark on another school year, we ask,


The answers to that question is too lengthy to address here today. What we can do, however, is continue to encourage girls to reach their full potential and excel in the M in STEM: finance. There is NO LIMIT to what they can achieve and having the financial tools to navigate their own way through life is paramount to a successfully led life.


Great big thank you to our sponsors, volunteers, school champions and parents! You all rock!

Get girls the skills they need to succeed in life and business. It’s so fetch!

Helping The Next One in Line

Helping The Next One in Line

Valiere, a TD Ameritrade professional, and Megan, a senior at Byron Nelson High School in Texas, (pictured above) recently shared with us the impact their Rock The Street, Wall Street mentor-protege relationship has had on their personal and professional lives. Listen in on what makes this pair a dynamic duo:


Rock The Street, Wall Street prepares high school girls for college and careers by offering mentoring and job shadowing to our students in the spring semester. Connecting with a female financial professional in a one-to-one mentor/protege relationship helps develop the future female finance professional pipeline. Equally important, it gives girls an opportunity to see financial professionals at work in this field where females and minorities are underrepresented. This is critical as women in STEM aren’t depicted in popular culture from which girls at this age are predominately influenced.

RTSWS Mentoring and Job Shadowing Helps Girls:

  • Set career goals and take the steps to realize them.
  • Expand their personal contacts industry professionals, find internships, and locate possible finance jobs.
  • Identify resources and organizations they may not be familiar with.
  • Understand the skills needed for seeking a finance job, interviewing for a finance job, and keeping a finance job.

Why is this important?

One in three young people surveyed in The Mentoring Effect (2014) did not have a mentor while they were growing up. Applying their experiences to the U.S. Census demographics for 8 to 18 year olds, it is projected that 16 million young people, including 9 million at-risk young people, will reach adulthood without connecting with a mentor of any kind. It doesn’t have to be this way; contact us to make a difference today.

“When you get where you’re going, don’t forget to turn back around. Help the next one in line. Always stay humble and kind.” –Tim McGraw

Our 2017/2018 Sponsors – Putting Their Money Where Their Mouth Is

Our 2017/2018 Sponsors – Putting Their Money Where Their Mouth Is

The 2017/2018 RTSWS academic year is starting off with a bang! We have a record setting number of girls participating in our programs this year and we have two new school districts joining our team roster…The Dallas Independent School Distritct (TX), and Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, (NC).

We couldn’t do it without the support of the school superintendents, principals, teachers and volunteers who help us recuit our students across the cities. 

The list of cities where we’ll be offering our newly enhanced year-long financial “hands-on” projects for girls include:

  • Dallas
  • Ft. Worth
  • Nashville 
  • New York City
  • and our newest location, Charlotte!


Making it Happen –

Thanks to Our Sponsors

Our program is provided at no cost to students. We rely on the generosity of our corporate donors, foundations and individuals to provide high school girls with the financial tools they need to succeed throughout their lives and to meaningfully impact the lives of those around them.  
Finance is at the heart of opportunity. 



On behalf of our students, parents, volunteers, teachers, schools and the communities we serve, we thank all of our generous sponsors!
Wanna be the most popular kid in high school?
Get YOUR company to sponsor a school near you. Get YOUR colleagues involved, too, as volunteers. 
Hit us up to learn more. 
RTSWS Teaches Five of Top Ten Skills Needed in Today’s Cities

RTSWS Teaches Five of Top Ten Skills Needed in Today’s Cities

According to LinkedIn’s August 2017 Workforce Report, Nashville (where Rock The Street, Wall Street is headquartered) has a skills gap driven by a scarcity of workers with certain skills.

Our female financial professionals are teaching high school girls FIVE of the TOP TEN skills needed in today’s economy.

  1. IT infrastructure and management
  2. Software engineering and requirements gathering
  3. Process and project management
  4. General finance
  5. Web programming
  6. Risk management
  7. Trading and investment
  8. Banking
  9. Pet care and services
  10. Management consulting, business strategy and analysis

How many programs for girls in your city can make this claim?


Women’s Investment Management Leadership Summit in NYC

For the first time, The Opal Group scheduled a Summit in New York City with only women money managers on the day-long series of panels—The Women’s Investment Management Leadership Summit.  The attendance was on par with the Emerging Managers Summit which was being hosted concurrently. Financial professionals including members of Single Family Offices, Allocators, Hedge Fund Managers and Venture Capitalists agreed the addition of the women’s conference made for a better, more mind bending conference.

Our Founder, Maura Cunningham, and RTSWS Board Member, Meredith Jones, discussed during one session, their ideas on filling the pipeline with more women and the steps needed to increase gender equality in financial careers. RTSWS was designated as the charitable partner for the event and connections were made with female and male leaders in the investment management industry and beyond.


Whenever you take a step forward, you are bound to disturb something.  – Indira Gandhi

Founder And RTSWS Board Member Are Guest Speakers At NYC Investment Summit

Founder And RTSWS Board Member Are Guest Speakers At NYC Investment Summit

Our Founder, Maura Cunningham and RTSWS board member, Meredith Jones, are guest speakers at the Women’s Investment Management Leadership Summit in NYC this coming week. The two friends will discuss how to fill the financial pipeline with women by attracting them at the pre-college planning stage and ensuring that high school girls know how to budget, be bullish and breakout among the bros.

And in case you missed it, August 26th was Women’s Equality Day. 

To celebrate contributions of women in all facets of life, USA Today posted an article highlighting quotes from modern-day trailblazers. Our newest board member Meredith Jones was quoted (and in good company with Melinda Gates):


“There are a host of wildly talented women out there getting wonderful things done every day. Collectively, we are the windshield, even if at that particular moment, I was the bug.” Meredith Jones, author of Women of the Street: Why Female Money Managers Generate Higher Returns, Inc. 5000


“When we invest in women, we invest in the people who invest in everyone else. So when we match their commitment with our own, great things are possible.” — Melinda Gates, Fortune