The 2017/2018 RTSWS academic year is starting off with a bang! We have a record setting number of girls participating in our programs this year and we have two new school districts joining our team roster…The Dallas Independent School Distritct (TX), and Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, (NC).
We couldn’t do it without the support of the school superintendents, principals, teachers and volunteers who help us recuit our students across the cities.
The list of cities where we’ll be offering our newly enhanced year-long financial “hands-on” projects for girls include:
- Dallas
- Ft. Worth
- Nashville
- New York City
- and our newest location, Charlotte!
Making it Happen –
Thanks to Our Sponsors
Our program is provided at no cost to students. We rely on the generosity of our corporate donors, foundations and individuals to provide high school girls with the financial tools they need to succeed throughout their lives and to meaningfully impact the lives of those around them.
Finance is at the heart of opportunity.
On behalf of our students, parents, volunteers, teachers, schools and the communities we serve, we thank all of our generous sponsors!

Wanna be the most popular kid in high school?
Get YOUR company to sponsor a school near you. Get YOUR colleagues involved, too, as volunteers.
Hit us up to learn more.