Awards & Recognition

Rock The Street, Wall Street is an innovative nonprofit bringing the M in STEM to diverse high school girls with a focus on Financial & Investment mathematics and fundamentals. Through our early intervention programs, our students are pursuing degrees in economics, finance and related fields at five times the national rate of female university students. Are alumnae engage with us through councils, mentoring and the Alumnae & Career Center bridging them to college and early career onboarding. We are proud of these talented young women and volunteers and celebrate our collective achievement and recongintion.

UN Women
We are a Generation Equality Action Coalition Leader and Commitment Maker

Our Founder shared the spotlight with sponsor firm Invesco in highlighting corporate sponsorships in the community

The White House
Rock The Street, Wall Street was invited to a powerful day on equity at The White House

RTSWS Rings the Bell
Founder Maura Cunningham rang the closing bell

Candid Seal Platinum
RTSWS was featured for it’s transparent metrics and achievements in reaching female students in finance

Catalyst, a global nonprofit that builds workplaces for women, reconginzes RTSWS for advancing the next generation of women into finance and leadership roles

TAIA Charity Partner Award
TAIA recognizes RTSWS with Charity Partner Award and donation

Women’s Bond Club Award
Women’s Bond Club of New York City of New York City honors RTSWS Founder with the Betty Cook Award, given to “an exceptional woman who has devoted much of her career to helping other women.”

RealLeaders Top Impact Companies
Arnerich Massena, Inc & Rock The Street, Wall Street have received the Real Leaders Best Collaboration Award

The 2023 Distinguished Alumna Award
Preston High School recognized RTSWS Founder Maura Cunningham with The Distinguished Alumna of the Year as well as featuring her as commencement speaker