Teacher comments on RTSWS program

(We can’t say it any better than Dan!) 

“The students had a great experience here, visiting with a diverse panel of female leaders and experiences throughout the day – hands-on experiences in a corporate office in which they learned about different aspects of operations and sales, finance, management and technology.

Learning about professional females’ careers and the roads that they traveled, their success stories – the young ladies really liked hearing directly from them and taking away from their experiences. And at the heart of the matter all day, 
it was about mentorship and networking and building relationships to be successful.

In terms of managing their money – personally as well as professionally – the classroom portion of RTSWS, they’re bringing in the real world use of mathematics and showing them what they need to do in terms of accomplishing goals, both financially and otherwise – will certainly help them as they progress throughout their academic and personal lives.”
– Daniel McCoy, Business/Marketing Teacher, Panther Creek HS


Panther Creek High School

Students from Panther Creek High School in Raleigh, NC visited the Mediant  offices in Cary, NC. This was their RTSWS semester-end field trip. The field trip represents the second of three components of the RTSWS academic year long program. 

Mediant handles the investor communications life cycle – including proxy statements, corporate actions, regulatory reports and prospectus services. The students learned about Mediant’s clients including brokers and banks, corporate issuers, funds and alternative investments and investment advisors. The students spent the day learning about the legal aspects of investing, fintech, proxies, impact of corporate actions and IPO’s. They learned too, that stock shareholders have the right to vote on matters of corporate policy as well as who will compose the members of a company’s board of directors. Great lesson on equity ownership.



Panel Discussion

Four leading women from a cross section of financial institutions stretching from New York, NY to Charlotte, NC joined us as guest panelists for a lively discussion on women in finance and the job opportunities that are waiting for them. 
  • Rosemary Lissenden, Director, Credit Suisse, NC
  • Bridget Hughes, Sales Director, Donnely Financial Solutions, NY
  • Ann Richmond, Chief Operating Officer, Davenport & Co, VA
  • Tonya Belfiel Tyson, Senior Vice President/Senior Manager, BB & T Securities, VA
Students networked with these women and other financial professionals in the room. They heard first hand about the rewards of being in the financial services field and were given a “heads up” that they will be in the minority when they reach their college economics and finance classes.
Sherry Moreland, President and COO of Mediant was on hand on this day as she moderated the guest panelists on a discussion which included the gender pay and investment gap, what hiring managers look for in candidates, and what is the single most important piece of advice for high school students looking to get into the financial services industry.


Volunteer comments on the behavioral change in girls as they go through the RTSWS programming

(Click on video above)
“It was an amazing experience. Initially, of course, the girls were very quiet, but the more we dug into the content, the more I could see their brains turning, the more questions they began to ask, the more research they did on their own, and they would actually come in the following week with questions. They would look up ticker symbols, they would follow stock prices. So many of them asked me about investments. Some of them actually had investments at home that they were working on with their own parents.”
                                          – Sharde McCorgle, Corporate Actions Manager, Mediant




Student comments

“I think that so many girls are just uninformed about the financial services industry.  They just think it’s intimidating because most girls don’t like math… and they think it’s hard or boring. But, I think that the more you know about it and the more you see that it’s not as hard as you think it is, that you can become better at it and you can learn to become good at it.”
                                       -Angelina Ready, Student, (Junior) Panther Creek HS



Thank you, Mediant!

Next time, we’re sending you a cape. Thanks for your hero-sized gift.




Thirteen Cities Coast to Coast

Atlanta, GA
Charlotte, NC
Chicago, Il
Fort Worth, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Merrimack, NH
Minneapolis, MN
Nashville, TN
New York City, NY
Omaha, NE
Raleigh, NC
Sacramento, CA
St. Louis, MO

With your financial help, we can educate more girls across the U.S. on the benefits of being financially independent and on how they can make an impact on the world’s stage through a career in finance.