Rock The Street, Wall Street

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Corporate Sponsorship



Rock The Street, Wall Street (RTSWS), a high impact nonprofit, empowers underrepresented high school girls by reintroducing the M in STEM with a focus on financial and investment mathematics provided through investment professionals in the classroom.

Corporate Sponsorship
Corporate Sponsorship

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Centennial Volunteers Teach Students Finance

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Gender Pay Gap

To close today’s wealth and wage gap for women, particularly for women of color, it is critically important to increase participation in capital markets for all. According to A Framework for Inclusive Investing: Driving Stock Market Participation to Close the Wealth Gap for Women of Color, “Participation gaps also reflect a perception among women and women of color that current investment options are not designed for them.” Black and Latinx women are even less likely to have a basic knowledge of investing.

Financial literacy is important, but not enough to substantially move the needle towards equal pay and wealth accumulation. Pairing investment education with access to trusted sources is required.

Help & Support the Cause

Make a difference. Every contribution, big or small, fuels our mission to empower girls and close the gender gap in finance. Join us in building a brighter future – your support directly translates to real impact for our RTSWS Students & Alumnae.