Financial Advisor Magazine Highlights RTSWS and Gender Diversity Progress

Financial Advisor Magazine Highlights RTSWS and Gender Diversity Progress

Financial Advisor Magazine recently published an insightful article by Karen Demasters titled, “Advocate For Women Advisors Says Gender Diversity Is Improving.”

The article features Megan Slatter of Crewe Advisors, who specializes in helping women join the financial field while serving female clients. Megan is also a dedicated Rock The Street, Wall Street (RTSWS) volunteer.

“Women frequently are better at finding the human connection that makes financial advice personal, which, in turn, makes prospects want to become clients and makes clients want to stay with a firm,” Megan explained.

“I have experienced firsthand what it is like to be a woman in a male-dominated field,” Megan shared, adding that her experiences inspire her to help other women enter the financial industry.

The piece notes that the number of female certified financial planners (CFPs) has grown by 13.9% over the last three years. Almost 2,900 women became CFP professionals during this period, according to the CFP Board.

Building on this momentum, the article also highlights that RTSWS reaches diverse high school girls by bringing the M in STEM to them with a focus on Financial & Investment fundamentals. RTSWS operates in more than 25 cities across the US, UK, and Canada.

Together with our incredible volunteers, including Megan’s dedicated service, we have impacted more than 6,000 girls since 2012 who have graduated from our academic year-long program.

The feature underscores that inclusion and access take time. We are proud of our sponsors, supporters, and volunteers as more young women start to see the financial industry as a potential career. The article closes with Megan noting that advisors also need to bring the next generation of clients into the planning process early.–an-advisor-says-78060.html

Insights from Deloitte’s “Women @ Work: A Global Outlook 2024”

Insights from Deloitte’s “Women @ Work: A Global Outlook 2024”

In its fourth iteration, Deloitte’s “Women @ Work: A Global Outlook” continues to explore the complex landscape of challenges and barriers that women encounter in the workplace. This year’s report, drawing on responses from 5,000 women across 10 countries, offers a stark reflection on the state of gender equality and workplace inclusivity.

Persistent Challenges and Mental Health Stigma

The 2024 report underscores a persistent theme: the significant mental and physical health challenges faced by women, which are exacerbated by high stress levels and extensive working hours. Despite some improvements in workplace flexibility and hybrid work models, many women still report feeling excluded and undervalued, which contributes to ongoing mental health concerns.

The Impact of Domestic Responsibilities

One of the more pronounced findings is the impact of domestic responsibilities on women’s careers. The report highlights that women continue to bear the brunt of household and caregiving duties, even when they are the primary earners. This unequal distribution of domestic labor not only affects their mental health but also limits their career advancement opportunities.

Health Challenges and Workplace Support

Health issues related to menstruation, menopause, and fertility were reported as significant concerns that affect women’s work attendance and performance. The stigma surrounding these issues often prevents women from seeking support or taking necessary time off, impacting their productivity and well-being.

Safety and Inclusivity in the Workplace

Nearly half of the respondents expressed concerns about their safety at work, citing experiences of harassment and microaggressions. This indicates a critical need for workplaces to enforce stronger policies that protect women and promote a culture of respect and safety.

Gender Equality and Organizational Change

Interestingly, the report identifies a small segment of workplaces known as “Gender Equality Leaders,” where women feel supported, safe, and valued. These organizations are characterized by their proactive approaches to fostering gender equality and supporting women’s career advancement.

Looking Forward

The findings from Deloitte’s report serve as a call to action for organizations worldwide to reevaluate their policies and practices concerning gender equality. Creating supportive, inclusive, and equitable workplaces where women can thrive is not just a moral imperative but also a business one, as diverse leadership has been shown to correlate with better overall performance.

Deloitte’s “Women @ Work: A Global Outlook 2024” is a crucial resource for understanding the barriers that women face in professional environments and offers valuable insights into how these challenges can be addressed. For a deeper dive into the report and to explore detailed findings, read the whole report:

New Study Highlights Overwork Disadvantages for Women

New Study Highlights Overwork Disadvantages for Women

Americans are known for logging more hours at work than most other developed nations, often linked to higher raises and faster promotions. However, a recent study published in Social Psychology Quarterly reveals how this overwork culture significantly disadvantages women in two key ways, whether they choose to overwork or not.

The study involved 230 U.S. employees who reviewed two hypothetical worker profiles with identical performance reviews but different working hours—one at 40 hours a week, and another at 60. Despite similar performance levels, the worker logging 60 hours was favored nearly 89% of the time for promotions and management training, indicating a strong overwork premium.

This bias puts women at a disadvantage for several reasons:

  • Women and Unpaid Labor: Women often engage in more unpaid household and childcare labor, which can limit their availability for extended work hours.
  • Efficiency Overlooked: Even if women complete the same workload more efficiently in fewer hours, their efficiency is undervalued compared to longer working hours.
  • Gender Bias in Overwork: When women do work longer hours, the study found they are less likely to receive the same rewards as men, who are often seen as more committed.

The findings suggest a critical need for organizations to move away from hours-based performance evaluations to more objective and results-oriented metrics. This shift could enable fairer assessments and help close the gender gap in workplace rewards. Moreover, promoting more balanced work hours and reducing the emphasis on overwork could benefit all employees’ health and overall workplace productivity.

For more detailed insights, read the full article: