#BeBoldForAChange on International Women’s Day!

What does being bold mean to you? For some, it is asking for a promotion, taking that much needed vacation, or simply asking someone out for coffee. It can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

But at Rock The Street, Wall Street we believe that being bold for a change is challenging what has been with the idea of what could be; the idea that women can lead and take control of their financial lives.


  • When 2 out 3 women state they know little to nothing about finance, this is a cause for concern.
  • When 80% of teachers self-report that they do not feel qualified to teach financial literacy, this is a cause for concern.
  • When the number of women leading the financial services sector and S&P 500 companies drops to 4.6% after a 40 year high of 5%, this is a cause for concern.

For International Women’s Day we are all being challenged to #BeBoldForChange and for us that is continuing to pledge to helping spark the interest of high school girls into careers in finance and teach financial literacy.

Here is where we stand:

We will be bold and forge women’s advancement. 

Rock The Street, Wall Street encourages girls to explore a career in finance by acquainting them with leading women in the financial services industry. By reaching out to girls while in high school, we’ll commission them to take charge of their finances at an early age. We illuminate the relevance of finance in everyday life and encourage girls to study math and finance, and seek a profession in the financial industry, where women are vastly under-represented and comprise a small percentage of the industry leaders.

Our students are being educated beyond their core components of classroom curriculum. They are being engaged in higher thinking, the big picture, and the ability to envision their financial futures for themselves, their families and their communities.

We will be bold and champion women’s financial education.

To close the gender gap in wages, wealth accumulation and in financial professions, we have to inspire girls to pursue the M in STEM, finance, by exposing them to real life, positive role models. We engage financial professionals who come into the classrooms, to teach and motivate the next generation. Equipping girls with financial management tools at an early age will ensure the economic prosperity of women, families, and communities across the country. And while we’re teaching finance, we’re expanding perceptions about a career in finance.

STEM professions are tools to lift people out of poverty.

We will be bold and challenge bias and inequality.

Let’s face it. Financial naivete among women cuts across ALL socioeconomic classes. Two out of three women state they know little to nothing about finance. Given this fact, how we can expect women to optimize choices throughout their lives when they heavily rely on others to make these profound choices for them?

In high school and college finance and economics classrooms, girls are few in number. As a result, their opportunities in pay, promotion and life will remain unequal. 

Equipping girls with financial skills is a VITAL part of ensuring equality.

And lastly, we will be bold and celebrate women’s achievements.

Last week we thanked and celebrated those who came before us, the Muriel Seiberts and Sallie Krawchecks of the industry, who have helped pave the way by forging their own paths and not listening to those who said they couldn’t do it.

We will continue to honor the achievements of all of the women who have helped make careers in fianance possible for future generations to come.

From our beginning in 2013, Rock The Street, Wall Street has served over 600 girls in 5 cities including Chicago, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Memphis, Nashville, and New York City. Girls who have participated in our workshops have had an 84.26% increase in their comprehension of financial concepts and 70% have stated that because of the Rock The Street, Wall Street program they are either very likely or extremely likely to explore a major in finance or economics in college.

Learn more about Rock The Street, Wall Street programming and start a conversation about how you can become involved and #BeBoldForChange.