Disrupting Finance

Watch the CNBC Interview with 23-year-old Lauren Simmons, the ONLY full-time female broker on the NYSE!

In the US, girls are M.I.A. in math classes and in finance. We aim to change that. 

At RTSWS, we provide high school girls with basic money management skills and expose them to positive role models so they, too, can aspire to financial careers (just like Lauren)!

Spring Mentorship Survey Results

RTSWS is an academic year long financial literacy program. After the fall classroom sessions, each spring, RTSWS proteges are paired with financial professionals for the semester. These pros offer a firsthand (and often first time) view into the real world of finance, (the M of STEM), resume building and networking. Often, these mentor/protege relationships last for years. 

RTSWS Students were asked,

“How has your participation in the RTSWS program changed your mind about STEM professions?” 


RTSWS Students were asked,

“Would you recommend this mentorship program to a friend?” 


Mentorship By The Numbers

Mentorship In Their Own Words


Skills-based Volunteerism


Do you work in finance?

We offer multiple levels of volunteer opportunities throughout the academic year to accommodate the schedules of both junior and senior level employees. Volunteering with Rock The Street, Wall Street is an opportunity to have a direct impact on your local community and to mobilize and strengthen DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION advocates across your firm.


Associate and VP employees
Classroom Instructors – 1 hour per week for 5 weeks in the fall.

Managing Director, Executive Director and C-Suite officers
Guest Panelists during the field trip – 1-2 hours on the day of field trip.

Small Group Discussion Leaders

Field trip sherpas



Associate, VP, Managing Director and Executive Director employees
Mentors – 2 hours/month; January – April


Add Rock The Street, Wall Street to your company’s portfolio of skills-based volunteer opportunities!