TD Ameritrade President and CEO, Tim Hockey continues to raise the bar on leadership and building a corporate culture that gives more than lip service to diversity and inclusion. Rock The Street, Wall Street students from V.R. Eaton and Byron Nelson High Schools in Fort Worth, Texas met with him recently while on their spring session job shadowing experience at the new TD Ameritrade offices in Southlake, Texas.

Tim stopped in during the students’ lunch and held an impromptu “lunch and learn” session. Thoughts on the gender pay gap, job opportunities, the market and how to be better leader were shared.  


This CEO makes transformation personal.


It’s not everyday the CEO of a major investment firm meets with high school students to have an informal, meaningful chat on such topical matters. 


“It was a great day,” said Natalie Eddleman, Counselor at Byron Nelson High School. “The visit with Tim was an incredible bonus—he was really inspiring! The girls were in awe and soaking in everything they could.”



And in Chicago…  RTSWS Board Member Judy Ricketts, Managing Director at TD Ameritrade—Head of Investor Services and RTSWS Founder Maura Cunningham and JJ Kinahan, host of Real Talk on the TD Ameritrade Network sat down for a different kind of chat in Chicago. Their discussion was taped and is currently airing on the TD Ameritrade Network through May11th at 11:30 CT.  You can also view the interview on demand by clicking here.


Kinahan, the host, is a CNBC regular, a Forbes contributor and is frequently quoted in the Wall Street JournalFinancial Times and Reuters News, along with many other respected media outlets.


During the 30-minute interview the three professionals discussed their daughters, RTSWS’ mission, the state of financial education in schools across the US and how we’re making a difference in the lives of our students and our volunteers. 


Watch the Interview

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