Facebook Live was abuzz last week as Nasdaq’s Meg Modic and Rock The Street, Wall Street Founder Maura Cunningham hashed out the challeges females face in finance and how to #RewriteTomorrow.Check out what all the emoji reaction was about. Feel free to express yourself and share it with YOUR social media connections now!

Role Models Matter

Nasdaq President and CEO, Adena Friedman, the first female to hold this position, is a fantastic role model for all RTSWS students.  Why? The #1 reason girls aren’t choosing STEM professions – They don’t see women in those professions. The #2 reason – They don’t see their girl friends choosing those professions. 
We are thrilled to be working with Nasdaq to #RewriteTomorrow today! Click below to see the recorded Facebook Live interview. 

Don’t you know, they’re talkin’ bout a REVOLUTION

Join RTSWS Founder Maura Cunnigham in Sacramento for California Vision 2020 (#CaVision2020), a statewide incubator for societal change initiatives. During the three-day conference (Sept. 20-22), leaders will describe, envision — and execute — breakthroughs on the tough issues we are facing today such as gender bias in the workplace and financial illiteracy across the U.S. 

This year’s theme is “Lighting the Way to a Better Future,” featuring interactive presentations, panel discussions, roundtables, workshops, skill-building practice sessions and inspiring musical performances. The line-up of presenters includes Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Marianne Williamson, Louis Gossett Jr., Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, Stockton Mayor Michael D. Tubbs, Valarie Kaur and more than two dozen other visionaries. #JoinUsCalifornia
Register today using our discount code “Activist01” to attend the conference for $175.


Ain’t no hollaback girl

Ellen Hoffman, (l), CFP, Vice President at FTB Advisors in Nashville,TN and RTSWS volunteer, is an ironclad example of a young professional woman who is pioneering the way forward for females and giving our students a platform to find solidarity in their life missions.
Ellen launched Her Story of Success podcast to amplify the voices of women who are finding ways to overlap their personal life missions and interests into their everyday careers…something she says she found in being a financial advisor and volunteer with RTSWS.
Visit her site and learn more about how Ellen is raising the voices and profiles of local business women in Nashville, TN. 

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